Thursday, March 21, 2019

Subclinical Acne : Causes and Treatment

The Subclinical acne is the most self-acclaimed type of acne out there. It’s a type that everyone can easily identify. When acne arises, irrespective of whether it’s on one’s forehead, chin, cheeks or nose; there’s one thought that pricks everyone’s mind.If only we had a shell-like tortoise and turtles, we would not have to worry’.

The bad news is that there’s not just one type of acne. Rather, there are multiple different types of acne that can affect a person. Different types of acne mean that we need different forms of protection. Primarily, acne is divided into two different types. Inflammatory acne and Non-inflammatory acne.

Subclinical acne is characterized by small little, numerous groups of bumps. Generally speaking, it’s hard for guys to identify cysts, nodules, whiteheads, blackheads and so on and so forth. But subclinical acne, especially subclinical acne on the forehead is a type of acne that’s very easily identifiable by all. In fact, it’s so common that one can confidently say that during one’s lifespan, it’s highly possible that you have borne subclinical acne and have tensed up about it, without even knowing what it’s called.

Causes of Subclinical Acne on Forehead:

In a more generic context, acne is caused due to the clogging of the skin’s pores. This clogging may be due to the:

§  Excess production of oil

§  The Presence of bacteria

§  Presence of dead cells

§  The Presence of ingrown hair.

Subclinical acne is just another name for multiple small bumps that get formed on the forehead and that literally seem to crater the particular area of the forehead in question. More often than not, this is not an overnight phenomenon. It takes a good number of days or rather a week or so, for it completely develop. In its early stages, it doesn’t look too troublesome. But gradually, as they spread across one’s forehead, the psychological trauma begins to take shape.
Subclinical acne, traditionally speaking belongs to the category of inflammatory acne. Any type of inflammatory acne is characterized by a reddish and swollen exterior appearance. And yet, the subclinical acne that’s seen on the forehead is not that red or swollen in nature. But that’s the general scenario. Do not panic or get too surprised if the acne on your forehead or the bumps on your forehead acquires a reddish color.

Subclinical acne is a problem that’s as old as time itself. At some point in time, it may have been a mystery to doctors but today, that’s not the case. On a generic scale, it’s caused due to the blockage of the skin’s pores due to excess oil accumulation on the skin.  Pinpointing the accurate cause of any kind of acne is a very ardent task. Yet, doctors and researchers alike believe that subclinical acne on the forehead is caused due to one of the following reasons:

§   Hormonal imbalances

Hormonal imbalances ultimately result in the increased activity of the oil glands present in the skin. This excess secretion of oil ends up clogging the pores of the skin, and hence, subclinical acne on the forehead is formed. Hormonal imbalance occurs during the aging process and for women, especially, during the time of pregnancy and menstruation.

§   Use of poor quality cosmetic materials:

The purchase of cosmetics is not as easy as it looks. Careful analysis has to be taken with respect to the ingredients used in that particular cosmetic product. If the ingredients are of poor quality, it can adversely impact the health of your skin. Subclinical acne on the forehead is just one possible ‘health hazard’. Avoid purchasing cosmetics that are too oily. Instead, look for those cosmetics that contain natural acne fighting ingredients such as; peppermint, lemon, alcohol etc.

§   Stressful Lifestyle:

Fun fact: You can make out a stressful person by looking at their forehead. Not literally, but yes. Stress leads to activation of your skin’s oil glands. Hence, your skin gets clogged due to the excess oil. Yes, you can’t avoid stress. It follows you around. But you can definitely control your stress levels.Whenever stressed, take deep calm breaths. Indulge in an activity that you deem to be relaxing in nature. By controlling your stress levels, you will indirectly be controlling the level of oil released by your oil glands. And hence, subclinical acne on the forehead will be like a dream of the past.

§   External Environment:

External environment refers to your physical surroundings. The external environment can contribute to the formation of subclinical acne as it increases one’s exposure to dust, especially. Also, exposure to the sun can also prove to be another cause for the rise of such acne.

Treatment for Subclinical Acne on Forehead:

Subclinical acne is not something to panic about. If you are even considering to go and visit a doctor, one would suggest you drop that idea instantly. Save money and use it elsewhere. you can buy a good lunch or dinner for yourself. In fact, even if you do go visit a doctor, the counsel that you will receive will sound pretty much like what we are suggesting. It’s just a very simple, everyday problem that can be solved used generic medicines. If you want to avoid medication, that too is possible. Don’t worry yourself too much thinking about what to do, just follow these basic guidelines and within a week or so (upper-limit), your forehead is going to be acne free.

§  Even if you aren’t the ‘moisturizer’ type of person, make it a point to wash your face at least three times a day and follow up your wash with a moisturizer. In the market today, there are multiple acne specific face washes, using one of them to wash your face would do no harm.

§  Touching the acne area is a cardinal sin. Touch the subclinical acne on forehead and prepare for the worst. It will spread like the plague. Curb your anxiety, just let time and everyday therapy do its work.

§  It’s super-advisable to avoid any kind of makeup. Don’t fret too much, you will be doing this for the greater good. Once the acne resides, go ahead with your makeup. Until then, just try your best to avoid it. If it’s impractical or hard to avoid all kinds of makeup, at least make the effort to avoid the heavy makeup. It will pay dividends.

§  Inculcate a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle means a balanced diet, regular physical exercise and curbing stress and anxiety levels.

If you want, you can use one of those generic pimple creams that are sold in the market. Nobody can guarantee their success except the company and we all know that the company, regardless of truth, is going to guarantee success.

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