Thursday, March 21, 2019

Jawline Acne: Causes

No area of our skin is potentially free from the presence of red breakouts and dirt containing pimples. Acne can make its place anywhere on our body however, our facial T-zone (starting from forehead to chin) is always prone to get more acne than other parts of our body.

Women are exposed to acne and its subordinate factors more often than men because of continuous changes in hormonal level, imbalanced diet, and stress. There are multiple types of acne, and the highly noticeable one is jawline acne. Acne on jawline is not only hard to handle, it also takes a lot of time to get cured.

As jawline is the major and handy part of our face, therefore, unnecessary touching and exposure to germs increase the entire curing process. Though jawline acne can be frustrating and be embarrassing at times, there are several ways of treating it. Before jumping on the treatment section, let’s understand the underlying causes behind the jawline acne and what measures should be taken to prevent it.Acne on jawline might be highly identifiable but it is important to recognize it before it hits the maturity phase. It is relatively easier to work on the pre-mature jawline acne breakouts than the mature one.

What is Jawline Acne?

Acne on jawline is formed after the collaging of sebaceous glands with hair follicles. During the initial stages, you might only notice some rashes with small breakouts. The common area which is under attack in the case of jawline acne starts from the chin and end on the jawline bones.
The major cause of the acne is always the bacteria’s which are either caused due to the malfunctioning of the skin cells and the lubricating glands or the environmental factors such as excess pollution.


Causes of Jawline Acne

Women and men during their twenties and thirties are more exposed to the chances of developing jawline acne because during that age period our hormones are at the changing stage. The research indicates that jawline acne causes can easily be classified into the two broader categories.

1.     Mechanica Acne on Jawline Due to Hormonal Changes

The acne on jawline is commonly classified as the Acne Mechanica because it is formed due to the excess pressure on the jawline strap. The pressure is usually caused due to the surging up of the hormonal level.
Most of the females compliant about jawline acne during the first few months of pregnancy and first few days before the menses. The research indicates that in teenage girl’s menses is one of the major jawline acne causes.
The surged up hormonal level gives birth to stress generating neutrons which aim to send malfunctioning signals to the skin cells. The terrible combination of the hormonal level with stress neutrons largely contributes to the formation of acne Mechanica on the jawline strap.

2.                 Jawline Acne due to Cosmetic Reasons

Another major jawline acne caused is linked with the cosmetic reasons. Cosmetic reasons also include the factors like bad diet habits, use of second-hand make-up and other accessories. The cosmetic reasons allow the transfer of germs from one person to another which ultimately increases the chances of developing breakouts, pimples, and sometimes nodules also.

§  Use of Second-hand Makeup

Second-hand makeup equipment’s such as beauty blenders, brushes, and foundation sticks are also capable of giving birth to jawline acne. For instance, if you are using the makeup of your friend who has acne on any part of her face, this factor increases the chances of acne on your jawline.

§  It is always recommended to keep your beauty items one-handed only in order to avoid the acne.

§  If you are using second-hand equipment’s, properly wash them with cleanser.

§  Head and Facial Accessories such as Mike or Helmet

Head and facial accessories also contribute to the formation of acne on the jawline. The helmet straps aim to put excess pressure on the chin thus deregulating the working of lubricating glands. The sebaceous glands start releasing the sweat and cause a disturbance in the hair follicles. This entire process motivates the first skin layer to form the breakouts and later they are transformed into the shape of pimples and jawline acne. If you are habitual of wearing helmets or other facial accessories which aims to put pressure on jawline strap, it is better to go for the precautionary measures

§  Always keep the soft tissues with you and whenever you get the chance of removing helmet, don’t forget to properly clean the sweat
§  Try to wear those accessories which allow the passing of air. The lack of proper flow of oxygen also gives birth to the jawline acne.

§  Unnecessary touching on Face
Excess touching on jawline can also be called as the major jawline acne cause. If you are used to of touching your chin or jawline without any reason then, you might have to stop right away because this factor might be causing the jawline acne.
The touching promotes the transfer of germs which gives birth to bacteria’s which are further responsible for collaging the pores thus forming the acne on the jawline.

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