Monday, January 14, 2019

Symptoms of Menopause

Symptoms of Menopause-When menopause is occurring, there are changes in hormones which cause menopausal symptoms. These symptoms are sometimes severe and could start suddenly. Symptoms include:

  Irregular menstrual periods :These periods may come ones every 3 months or 5 months and this could eventually stop (not seeing your menopause again).

Hot flashes  also known as hot flushes. They come on rapidly and they occur mostly in the 1st and 2nd years. Types are standard hot flashes and slow ember hot flashes.
  Night sweats: This is most common as this mostly occur during the night around 11am or thereabout. These occur when you are deep in sleep and you suddenly wake up during the night to see your cloth is wet all over.

  Skin flushes or redness of the skin area especially on the face, chest area.

  Insomnia: insomnia is the in ability to sleep at stipulated times. Most people use drugs like vailium and lexothan to induce sleep. These drugs could be dangerous to the health
Low libido: this is because your sex hormones that turns you on are reduced and not as concentrated as when you were very fertile.

Memory loss: this is not so common but it happens in some women
Depression (Yet to write an article on depression. But I will)

Vaginal infections such as fungus and bacteria
Arthritis and osteoporosis are common with hormonal changes: osteoporosis is when the bone lacks calcium. Bone density reduces. Read osteoporosis and Arthritis

  Dizziness and the feel of drowsiness: It is best to check up with your health professionals to carry out estrogen test and bone density. Best is to explain your symptoms to him/her and how bad you feel. This will enable your health professional to know what he should do. In all, provide your health professional with all the information he needs.

Fatigue : Fatigue is a persistent feeling of weakness, tiredness, and lowered
energy level Fatigue, one of the most common menopause symptoms, is defined as an ongoing and persistent feeling of weakness, tiredness, and lowered energy levels, rather than just sleepiness or drowsiness. Other characteristics of fatigue may include apathy, irritability, and decreased attention span.
Crashing fatigue is a phenomenon which comes on suddenly, leaving a woman devoid of energy and unable to continue her activity. Fatigue in menopause is caused by hormonal changes; hormones such as estrogen regulate energy use at a cellular level, so when hormone levels drops during menopause, so too do energy levels. Chronic fatigue in menopause can have a drastic impact on daily life, putting a strain on relationships, work productivity, and quality of life, so treating the underlying hormonal imbalance is essential to restore energy levels.

Other Symptoms of Menopause
Here are other symptoms of menopause to are;

Changes in Odor

Irregular Heartbeat


Joint Pain

Burning Tongue

Hair Loss

Sleep Disorders

Difficult Concentrating

Memory Lapses

Weight Gain




Brittle Nails



Itchy Skin

Breast Pain


Electric Shocks

Digestive Problems

Gum Problems

Muscle Tension

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