Monday, January 14, 2019

Stages of Menopause Menopause

Stages of Menopause Menopause

Stages of Menopause Menopause -There are four Stages of menopause, these are : Premenopause ,Perimenopause , Menopause , and  Postmenopause .

 Each of these stages is characterized by their own set of symptoms and changes in body. Each woman experiences each of these stages differently, and for different lengths of time. Most of the guidelines for when symptoms will manifest and how severe are just that: guidelines. Each woman is different and will have a different experience with menopausal symptoms.

Premenopause is the stage of your life before the menopause transition has begun. You should be experiencing no menopause symptoms, fertile, and having regular menstrual cycles. This stage should last at least until your late thirties.

Premenopausal - Premenopausal is a word used in medical terms to describe the years that leads to the time when the woman is not able to conceive again. This period is when the hormones of the reproductive systems are reducing and no more constant and abundant as to when the woman is fertile. Here, certain effects are seen due to the reduction or withdrawal of hormones in the body system of the woman. These effects include hot flash, night sweats and many more.


This is the part of the transition when you notice changes in your body and menopause symptoms will begin to reveal themselves. Hot flashes, weight gain around the mid-section, and mood swings are a few of the symptoms that will begin to manifest. Irregular periods are a sign that your estrogen and progesterone levels are fluctuating and hormonal balance becomes one of the key ways to relieve symptoms.

You're considered menopausal when more than a year has passed since your last period and you're no longer able to become pregnant. Symptoms include, but are not limited to, thinning hair, weight gain, loss of libido, depression, incontinence, brittle nails, burning tongue, and itchy skin. If you experience abnormal hair growth or a lowered voice, ask your doctor about testosterone imbalance.
Menopause can simply be said to be a moment in a woman’s life where her monthly flow of blood (menstruation) ceases. This is when there will be no longer the fertilization of ovarian eggs in the woman; as a result, a woman can never get pregnant again. Menopause occurs in women in their mid-forties and mid-fifties.

Unfortunately, postmenopause doesn't necessarily guarantee your symptoms will vanish into thin air. Hormonal imbalances may be a part of your life for a long while, as it can take a long time for your body to fully adjust to its now hormone levels. S ome women in their 70s report still suffering from symptoms . Alternatively, some women never experience any at all.

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